No Good Dead (Bad to Be Good #1) Page 5
That’s the connection. Rodney dealt with a lot of groups—terrorists and defense contractors being some. Rodney was either cleaning up something he’d done or the company’s wrongdoings. Hell, back in the day, Able, too, had done a lot of work for defense contractors, including Hume Corp. That’s when he’d really amassed wealth.
“Where’s the log now?”
“I don’t know.” A frown graced her lips and the downturn sank her entire body. “The drive that I managed to copy the information onto was in my bag. That was stolen when I was knocked out and framed.”
“I see.” He braced a palm on the counter and texted Sabene with his other. He wanted her to get a jump start on collecting data so he could review it and see which was the best way to go at Hume Corp. and Rodney.
When he looked over, Teagan’s gaze was entranced by the darkening liquid in her cup, and she sipped gingerly. “That was my one shot,” she said more to herself than him.
“It’s late, and you’ve had one hell of a day. A hot shower will feel good.” He nodded to the right. “I’m sure I have something you can wear while we get you a change of clothes.”
She needed to get cleaned up and some rest so that she could face tomorrow. He was going to need her to be fearless.
* * *
Teagan sat on the heated stone bench in the shower that was more like an entire room. Steam swirled and the fog extended to her mind. What the hell had she done? She raked her palms over her face, the hot water soothing, before running her fingertips the rest of the way through her hair. Tears pinched at the sides of her eyes, but she wouldn’t let them form. She couldn’t. Once she released the damn of emotion she was holding back, she was done. There’d be no coming back. She wasn’t ready for that; when this was over, however she got out, then she’d let her guard down and feel the events. Not yet.
She had no idea how long she’d been in here, but her skin wasn’t wrinkly yet. Leaving the warm embrace of the fancy steaming shower meant going back to reality—one that she had truly fucked up. She’d botched the hand off, was wanted for attempted murder, and now was staying with Able No Last Name—someone who she was almost positive was an actual, real criminal. No average person just knew how to break someone out of jail. And whatever type of criminal he was, he was good at it, with money and good looks to spare.
Soft knocking pulled her glazed stare to the stone entrance of the shower, which was bigger than the entire bedroom in her apartment.
“Teagan?” Able’s worried tone carried over the whirring of the water.
“Come in,” she said on autopilot. What did he need? She wasn’t going anywhere. Couldn’t. She’d spied the security camera set-up and alarm system. His place would be harder to break out of than jail had been. Especially since his goal wasn’t to let her go this time.
I failed you.
Her sister deserved better—she deserved someone who could properly follow through.
“Failed what?” Able called out.
“You said—”
“Oh, no,” came out louder than she wanted. Apparently she was talking out loud. Teagan cleared her already dry throat. “No. Nothing.”
“How are you doing in there?” His voice was closer now; he probably stood right outside the entrance that was a ninety-degree angle from her. Fully clothed, no doubt, as opposed to her complete nakedness.
Her head slumped. Her toes painted in a sky blue polish barely skimmed the ground. She watched the water pool and drain on the bluish tile.
“Able.” Her voice was weak to her own ears as she pushed herself up off the tile bench.
She took a deep breath. She didn’t want this to be her reality. It made her mad, made her want to cry, and it made her want to punch something or someone. Today was not her best showing in adulthood. But, most of all, she wanted to escape. And since doing that literally wasn’t an option, she decided on the next best thing—escaping her mind, letting her body take over. Letting Able take over. If he was willing.
There was only one way to find out.
She slicked back her hair again, this time fluffing the roots so her shoulder-length blonde locks weren’t matted to her face, and took a step out of the cloud with her head held high. She’d never had a reason to be modest—why start now? Then she took another step, gaining confidence, until she was standing in front of Able.
His eyes widened for a moment before he went back to the resting face she’d watched for the last couple of hours, because God forbid he be human for a second. She wanted to see the stone become liquid. She wanted to drag him back into the steam and watch as pleasure consumed him. She wanted to feel anything than how she felt right now.
Despair really sucked.
She pushed down the fear that had wrapped its way down her throat and over her chest since she’d first heard the gunshot at the meeting with Agent Wheeler.
I’m done being afraid.
“Do you like your reality?” Teagan asked and arched a brow, doing her best at flirting or being seductive or something. It usually worked in the movies.
His rich brown gaze floated down her neck, over her breasts and lower before meeting her stare again.
“That seems like a trick question.”
“It isn’t,” she assured him, dropping her sexy act, which wasn’t convincing anyway. She didn’t try to hide the bit of emotion she couldn’t push away—the one she desperately wanted washed away. This was her asking an earnest question. She was bare-skinned after all; the least he could do was answer her damn question.
“Then, no, I’m not crazy about it. However,” the side of his lip rose as he searched her eyes, “I’m starting to rethink that position.”
Only a couple feet separated them, him on the white side of the interior bathroom and her still standing on the shower tile. She took a step. And then another. He didn’t move. Didn’t break eye contact. The pull inside her grew, and her vagina came the fuck alive under his stare. He wasn’t even touching her yet. The only indication of his acknowledging she was naked was the tick in his jaw. From what she’d observed over the time she’d known him, he didn’t do anything to purposefully be noticed.
She didn’t stop. She pressed her bare chest to his, wrapped her hands around his long neck, and pulled him to her, pushing her lips on his. There was no hesitation, his hands were at her waist, his fingertips digging in and his mouth opened to her, their tongues colliding. Need coursed through her from the tips of her hair to the ends of her blue-painted toenails, hitting her hard, making her reality only Able.
This is exactly what I need. Her body buzzed with anticipation, her hips arched into his, his erection pressing into her belly.
He captured her bottom lip, sucking it before seizing it with his teeth and pulling then letting go. Her eyes were still closed; she waited for his lips to mesh with hers again. But they didn’t. She opened her eyes, and it took a moment for her vision to focus. They were nose to nose, his fingers still digging into her waist. Her torso still pushed against his. Her skin was starting to dry; she was going to have to pull them back into the steam soon.
Why had he stopped?
His brown eyes were firm on hers, warmer than they had been moments ago, but she could see the stone starting to return.
“What’s this?” His brows pulled together, his tone even.
She had never considered herself good at sexy talk. She also didn’t feel like lying about something she wasn’t right now. She didn’t want to date this guy. She just wanted to take pleasure from him. Gobs and gobs of it from him. The release he looked, and felt, very capable of giving her was the only thing she was after.
“It’s nothing.” She shrugged.
His gaze didn’t move. His lips didn’t reach for hers, and his hands didn’t squeeze her tighter.
She rolled her eyes. “It’s just sex,” she said flatly. Sex she was gladly going to have and not worry whether he ha
d a condom because she had been on the shot for years now.
His palms moved to her ass and squeezed, pulling her up before she even registered what was happening as his kisses were back and hotter, wetter than before. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist.
“Shower,” she breathed into his mouth between sloppy, intense kisses. Her head fell back as he walked them around the bend and into the shower square, the steam so thick she could barely see the walls that surrounded them. His tongue swirled down her neck, and his kisses nipped at her collarbone, each harder, longer, and making her body hum. His head dipped farther down, catching her pebbled nipple in his teeth. His long hair brushed against her chest, and a chill rushed up her arm, goose bumps following and quickly dissipating as hot vapor and his warm mouth engulfed her.
A moan escaped her lips as she let him take control of her body. She didn’t want to make any decisions. He could do that. As long as he was doing her.
He thrust his hips, causing her core to electrify, his wet clothes a frustrating barrier.
“Fuck me,” she whispered into his ear then sucked on his earlobe, pressing a kiss just below it. She dug her nails into his back and ran her fingers through his hair with her other hand. God. Yes. She wanted this dark and mysterious stranger to make her feel better tonight. When the sun came up, she’d start getting her shit together and make a new plan. But right now she wanted to be undone.
* * *
Shower water trailed down Able’s face, his hair already plastered to his cheeks. His clothes were as wet as Teagan. He’d bet a million on that fact. He walked them to the far corner of the shower and pressed her back against the heated tile wall, the showerheads on either side of them loud in their spray.
He had to get his soaked clothes off, but there was no way he was letting Teagan out of his grip. Pushing her into the corner was his best option. Not that she was going anywhere. She’d come onto him in the hottest fucking way possible. Thank the heavens she’d kissed him because he’d been two seconds away from either grabbing her ass and sucking her perfect breasts until she begged for him to take her or whipping out his dick and wanking it right in front of her. The woman made all reason go out the window.
He’d never questioned whether someone who’d come on to him was in the right state of mind before. Not drunk—he never needed to ply women with alcohol to get what he wanted from them. But a sadness consumed Teagan, and after her last five hours, he didn’t want to take advantage of her. She had enough problems without adding his cock to the mix.
But that gloom had turned to lust in her eyes. That look was familiar. He’d been there before. She needed a distraction—a total disconnect from her surroundings. There was nothing like an orgasm to make the world an easier place to deal with. How could he say no? Not to that pouty mouth, perfect handful of breasts and ass, and her dark blue eyes that held so much in. He was most unwilling not to fuck her satisfied tonight.
It really wouldn’t be very gentlemanly to turn her down.
She unwrapped her long legs from him and slid down, her belly pressing against his hard on. The fabric of his jeans strained against his cock that was begging to be set free and surrounded by her.
He swirled his tongue on the damp skin behind her ear and bit before pressing his lips into her soft flesh then trailing a line of slow kisses down her neck as he reluctantly pulled his body away from hers to yank his shirt over his head. Her hands were at his waist—unzipping his pants then, fuck, her hand was wrapped around his cock as his jeans dropped to the water. Thank God he’d already taken off his shoes and socks. He didn’t need any more clothing to dispatch of. Her hand rubbed up and down the length of him while her other palm snaked around his hips and grabbed his ass, pushing him into her softness. He pressed his lips to hers again, needing to taste her, feel her desperation for him, her quick breaths, and tongue down his throat.
His knee was between her legs, opening her up to him. He trailed his fingers down her side, over her hips until he was sliding through her pussy hair and guiding two fingers between her folds. He slipped one finger into her tight wetness. Her head fell back against the wall. Her hips flexed into him and a moan slipped through her lips that was too much to resist. His dick throbbed for her as he captured her mouth with his, taking all she had to offer as he kissed her in rhythm with his fingers and her hand sliding up and down him. He slipped another finger into her, and her entire body tensed before melting against his chest. Her breaths quickened and her nails dug into the skin on the back of his neck—probably drawing blood, but he didn’t care. The sting heightened the moment—the way she was strong yet completely his. He could see it in her eyes and the way she moved: she was his for the taking.
“Come for me. Say my name, Teagan.”
Her panting was audible now, her eyes wild when she opened them. He thrust faster, adding pressure to her clit with his thumb. She let go of his cock, thank God, he hasn’t ready to come yet.
He nestled his lips to her ear. “Say it.” He pushed in deeper, finding her G-spot as she screamed out and her cheek pressed into his nose.
“Able,” she uttered, barely a sound.
“That’s right, Teagan. Come for me,” he gritted out.
She bucked against his hand and cried out, repeating his name. That’s right. He brought her down from ecstasy, rubbing her folds now dripping with her juices until she stopped shuddering.
Her eyes opened and a grin tugged at the ends of her lips.
Her chest rose and she let out a breath, her grip on his neck easing. She dragged her hands down his sides. He was hard as sin but had forgotten that while he watched her writhe under his touch and scream his name when she came. But now his balls were starting to ache for release. She nipped at his top lip, sending spirals of lust burning a path down to his dick.
Her thumbs skimmed to his hipbone; desire welled in his gut and demanded more. Her palms continued down his thighs, pushing him back gently. He took a small step back. The distance from her heat was less than ideal. She pushed again. Forced another small step backward.
Her tongue slowly swiped across the bottom of her lip while she watched him like he was Sunday dinner. Then, she dropped to her knees, keeping her gaze on his the whole way down. Sexy as fuck. A groan started deep in his throat when her hand grasped his cock. Her blue stare left his as her hands started moving up and down his shaft. He closed his eyes, absorbing her touch on his sensitive skin, the anticipation of her lips, her hot mouth sucking on him nearly making him lightheaded.
Her lips pressed to the tip of his cock, her tongue swirling around it, then she took him completely in her hot mouth, sliding down till he hit the back of her throat then back up so damn gradually his toes curled. She squeezed his ass, her tongue hard against him as she deep-throated him again. His left hand gripped her hair as the other braced on the wall. She made him weak, his body drunk with the promise of gratification.
He wanted to come right now. He wanted her mouth on his dick as long as fucking possible. He wanted to slide deep into her, making her come again. Dammit. He wanted to come in her while she screamed his name.
Teagan screaming his name was the best thing he’d ever heard.
Vanity won.
He wrapped his palms around her shoulders and pulled her up to him. She blinked, confusion flitting across her big, beautiful blue eyes. His gaze flicked down to her swollen lips and he pressed his lips to hers. Any tension of why he’d stopped left her body. She was putty in his hands.
He flipped her around, pressing her ass against him. “I’m going to fuck you,” he growled into her ear before biting her earlobe. She pressed against him, using her hands against the wall for leverage. He cupped her breast, massaging and rubbing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. With his other hand, he grabbed his cock and rubbed it between her folds, her slickness covering his tip. He tapped her ankles with his left foot for her to spread her legs. She complied like a good girl and arched her back to him, he
r full, round ass his for the taking. He covered her hands on the wall above her head with his palm and guided himself into her, grabbing her ass then hips as he pushed deep.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he breathed into her ear, his self-control at an all-time low.
Hell, he wanted to take his time. Fuck her slow and all night, but he wasn’t going to last much longer at this rate. Her pussy was wet and tight and every part about her turned him on—the way she moved, the way she kissed. Her moans were icing on the cake.
“Oh, God, Able.” She pushed against his thrusts and his mind blanked. Their rhythm increased, both needing more, both willing to give it.
“Teagan,” Able crooned as he bit her neck and sucked, his release rising from down deep.
“Yes, Able, yes,” she cried out, her body breaking under his. He followed as she pulsed around him, his release hard and fast as he held her against his chest.
He pressed a kiss to her shoulder blade, his hands finding her hips as she turned in his arms. A wickedly satisfied grin lit up her features. Dark almond and bitter orange scent, the part of it that didn’t wash away, burned into his memory.
She braced her palms on his chest and pushed her fingertips up to his shoulders, sending a chill down his back through his legs. She went up on her tiptoes, kissing him and lingering longer than he expected. Another deep breath solidified her scent in his memory. He didn’t bring women back to his place—it was too messy—but now he may never be able to shower at home again without thinking of Teagan.
Chapter Six
The smell of sizzling bacon crept into Teagan’s sleep, rousing her from a dreamless night. She rolled over in the softest sheets she’d ever touched and snuggled into her pillow. Her eyes shot open. This wasn’t her bed and she wasn’t on vacation—she was on the run from the law and, as of last night, sleeping with the only person who could possibly help her. The cream sheets she wanted to stay in were Able’s.